Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Warning! Here lies a (sort of) rant. Read at your own peril.

Ok, this has nothing to do with writing, medical school, or my family.

In general, I don't particularly care which side of a debate you come down on, as long as you do so in a logical, compassionate, and honest fashion. PLEASE people, think for yourself. And if you're going to perpetuate the maelstorm by constantly sharing statements and images that others have made, put a little bit of time into doing the research and seeing whether or not the statements are true.

For example:

This article does a better job than most of detailing exactly how Congress is not only NOT exempt from the new Affordable Care Act exchanges, but MUST in many cases, including ALL Senators and Representatives, lose their current employer-provided plan and select a plan from the new insurance exchanges.

Because this treats members of Congress and certain staff members differently than just about EVERY OTHER AMERICAN, who can keep their employer-provided or privately purchased plan if they wish, there has been a "fix" created that allows the Federal government (when it starts running again) to provide said affected members of Congress with a subsidy that is equal to the amount that the Federal government was previously providing under the Federal plan.

This isn't a special, under the table subsidy that Congress has given themselves, a free ride as it were. This is employer-subsidized healthcare as it functions pretty much everywhere in the States, an attempt to right a mistake made when the ACA was drafted.

But PLEASE, don't take my word for it-read this article by the always excellent Politifact, which has consistently received recognition for reporting on claims and assertions by politicians and the media in a non-partisan, facts-based fashion.

Seriously, if you're going to spend all of your time bitching about how a majority-elected Senate and President choose to support a law legally brought into effect (and thus far upheld by the highest court in the land), kindly do so intelligently-there are plenty of worthwhile issues to contend with, and it can certainly be done in a respectful fashion.

I think, however, it would better behoove a number of you all to spend your time working diligently towards supporting future candidates for your chosen parties who can better reflect your ideologies. 

Just a thought.

But can't stand to step away from complaining and digging? Here you go, folks. Here are some actual things the President has said lately to take issue with. Here's some recent things he's said that have contained substantial spins and/or truth bends, as seems to be the norm in every single capital city in America:

I'd suggest you could also take issue with his stalled stance on Gitmo, meandering on the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, oversight of the NSA surveillance program on his watch, and propensity of using big words in speeches.

Go to town.

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