Friday, October 11, 2013

"As Others Dance"

Shall we dream, you and I?

Let us have the audacity, let us be filled with temerity.
Let us dream together as others dance,
let us tangle our vibrant needs like legs in bed sheets.
Let us yearn as one for the hazy promise of possibility
while others content themselves with lust and love that are merely


Let us wander through the night
like tourists through the streets of Rome,
like a comet tracing a trail through the vacuum,
like two forgotten orphans searching for a home.

Let us wrestle with cliches and doubts
like heroes with lions: you and I,
back to back against the world,
grinning madly at the wonder of it all.

If we do nothing else for as long as we breath,
let us do this, so fiercely that
the electric symphony in our minds
will echo and linger
long after we cease to be.

Shall we dream?

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