Sunday, June 1, 2014

Thoughts on #YesAllWomen

(Most of this comes from a status that I posted on Facebook a little while ago, but I wanted to reproduce it here for anyone who might miss it there.)

Father Christopher Arnold is a priest in the Episcopal Church and a friend of mine and herself. In fact, he was the priest at St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Middlesboro, KY when we decided to try out that church, and I can say with 100% certainty that the open arms of he and his amazing wife, combined with his intense dedication to his faith and evident calling, were what guided us to a place where we could realize what a wonderful fit the Episcopal Church is for our family. 

He's good people.

This morning, his sermon discussed the #YesAllWomen movement that has been consuming Twitter over the past week or two. Here's a link to his sermon. (While you're there, check out some of his other sermons as well-he's a fantastic writer in my opinion, and well worth the read.)

Now, you may not be a Christian, but words like those written by Father Chris in his sermon are important for all of us to hear, regardless of creed.

They are words that we have heard over and over, that you can hardly avoid seeing plastered all over the internet these days, that we should never forget that while NotAllMen are Elliott Rodger, YesAllWomen do live in fear of men like him. And that is horrifically, terribly wrong.

All violence against women is Evil, as Chris point out, and there is no denying this point, no gray areas when it comes to this topic. And it is an evil that we must fight against with every fiber of our being.

It's possible that some of you may look at this post and say to yourselves that you are sick of all this constant chatter, that things aren't really that bad, that all these whiny women should get over it.

You'd be wrong.

The most shocking thing in my life is the number of female friends and loved ones I have who are victims of abuse, whether sexual, physical, and/or mental. And until we can say that YesAllMen understand and respect the bodies, minds, and souls of AllWomen instead of NotAllMen, then we will keep shouting these words over and over and over.

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