Monday, March 8, 2010

A Shaded Glance

I've been trying for a number of years to "get published," to get my writing out in the world in some sort of meaningful way (and, of course, to get paid for doing so) with varying degrees of success.

But it occurred to me today that I don't just want to get published. I want to share the dreams and ideas that come to me and beg for creation.

So I'm going to do that, here. I chose the title "A Shaded Glance" because, for me, that is the image that came to mind when I thought about beginnings. Evidently my romance-addled brain thought I was talking about relationships, which, to be fair, I guess I am in a way. As far as I'm concerned, in one way or another, there is precious little to life other than relationships.

Here are some poems, bits of thought, and the like. Feel free to comment, or not, as you see fit.

And remember, all work is under copyright by me, the author.

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