Monday, May 26, 2014

Good Intentions

To borrow that well-used phrase, if I had a nickel for every blog post that I've read over the years that said something along the lines of "Well, I meant to post regularly, but...", I'd be able to pay a sizeable portion of my educational debt down.

Two credit hours, perhaps. Maybe even three.

So I won't throw those words out here. Instead, I'll state proudly that life happens, that you have an organ give out on you (and me not even thirty! Yet. So soon.), that you and your family welcome a bundle of squirming, shitting, sleeping, stupendous Sam into the world, that you manage to survive another year of medical school, and that those things are triumphs aplenty. 

But just in case you wondered...I'm still here. Still eyeballing the world slantly, and picking through all the thoughts to find the stories worth telling. Because while all stories may need to be told, at some time or another, I think there are some that specifically I am meant to tell. 

So. Keep on being amazing, folks, and we'll chat some more soon.